Hiking Essentials You Want To Know

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If Hiking is on your adventure list, there are a few key hiking essentials you want to know and should carefully consider before hand. While some of these items may seem like no-brainers, it is important to remember that mother nature can be unpredictable and should never be underestimated. You can eliminate risks by taking the time to properly prepare before hand. Allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors one trip at a time. 

Good Undergarments
Your body will thank you for wear undergarments that are fitting for the conditions you”ll be in. If this one is missed,  might want to think about adding vaseline to this list. 


I know what you’re thinking, why would I not bring water? Well this is just a reminder that the 5 mile hike you thought you were going on might end up a lot longer. 
Something simple. There are times when you might pack a lunch. The other times when packing light is a priority, protein bars, fresh fruit or beef jerky were a few on my list. 
Camel bak/ Osprey
This is one that changed my hiking experience entirely. Went on several hikes in the beginning being unorganized and underprepared. A good back pack for water solves a lot of that.


Survival Knife
With a little bit of luck and planning, hopefully this is one you’ll never need. When it comes to being outdoors, its worth keeping on your persons. No need to hike with a samurai sword, but something is better that nothing.
Wind Proof Lighter.
Another one of those items that you don’t use every time but having it puts the mind at ease. There are sever options for fire starting. Make a decision depending on the conditions you’ll be in.
Hat / Sunscreen
The sun is not something you want to ignore at anytime of the year. A hat that can keep it off you will make a difference after a long day. 


Good Hiking Boots
In the wise words of Lieutenant Dan. Take care of your feet and don’t do anything stupid, like get yourself killed. Seriously though, make sure your boot selection will get you though the hike.

An expensive GPS or tracking device could be on this list. However, without those at least take some time to study the trail that you plan on taking. 

Good Partner
You might be going to nature to get away from people. in the end, you’ll be thankful they were there. Making lifelong memories one trip at a time. 
Field Trauma
Have one and be familiar with the items it contains. A small one that easily fits in your back pack to keep you traveling light will do.