How Do Tides Affect Fishing?

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If you’ve spent any time near the ocean, you have observed water levels rise and fall throughout the day. As an angler, these tides play a crucial rule in determining the feeding patterns of fish. Therefore, understanding the basics of how this works can help you plan your fishing expeditions better. While fishing specific tides may not always be a straightforward solution, particularly when targeting species such as Snook in Florida. In addition, Florida Inshore Fishing involves several variables that need to be considered to maximize your chances of success.

Tides During New Moon & Full Moon?

Many anglers are aware that certain moon phases coincide with an increase in fish activity, but my not quite understand the reason. During both Full moons and New moons, the gravitational pull between the Earth and moon is significantly stronger than other phases, resulting in a greater change in tide and current flow. In Florida Inshore Fishing it is explained how certain fish can use this to their advantage when hunting for food. Making them more likely to be on the hunt for a meal. 

Tides effect

Tides in the Gulf & Atlantic?

Although the tides in the Gulf of Mexico are related to those in the Atlantic, there are noticeable differences between the two. In the Atlantic, the tides are more consistent and linear, with high tides and low tides being evenly spread apart. However, in the Gulf, the water flow around the state of Florida and back out results in a less predictable and linear pattern of changes in water levels. The Gulf’s primary water source is fed from the Atlantic, but the flow of water around the state creates a unique tidal pattern, making it more challenging to predict the timing and strength of tides. 

Florida tides

What Tools to Use For Fishing?

While tides are influenced by several factors such as wind and weather, relying solely on tide charts may not always provide an accurate representation of the actual water conditions. However, as an angler, it is still useful to have a solid understanding of tides and their impact on fish behavior. To help anglers make informed decisions, SmartFishingTides has developed a comprehensive tool that not only provides information on tides but also includes data on feeding activity. This tool provides anglers with a more accurate and detailed understanding of the best times and locations to catch fish. 


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