Florida Duck Hunting

Florida Duck Hunting Must Haves

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Most outdoors enthusiasts are focused on keeping warm during hunting season, but Florida Duck Hunting presents unique challenges. In order to fully prepare, there are several Florida Duck Hunting Must Haves to add to your list. If you’re look for a gift visit Top Outdoor Gifts for some of the best ideas. 

Mosquito Net/Thermacell

As you head out to the swamps and warm weather for hunting, you can only imagine the amount of insects you will encounter. Hunting sometimes requires more waiting than shooting. Therefore, having something to keep the mosquitoes away will be crucial. 


Its important to consider that some areas might be too deep for wading. However, having the option to spread out or step out of the boat and into a more discreet location can be really helpful.

Spot Light

The real work of Florida Duck Hunting is done in the dark. For travel and preparation you’ll want to see what you’re doing.

Head Light

To ensure that you have visibility during your hunt, its important to have a reliable source of light. However, holding a flashlight isn’t always convenient. Thats why having a head light is a great alternative as it allows you to keep both hands free while providing illumination.

Swamp Stool

One of my personal favorites. The swamp stool. Be ready when they come. Having a swamp stool on standing days can keep you comfortable in the down time.


In case of unexpected circumstances, no ones wants the be up the creek without a paddle. Keep one with you just in case you find yourself stranded without a motor.


It’s the Sunshine State. Once shooting time comes around it can get bright quick. Can’t shoot what you can’t see. Visit Best Mens Sunglasses for options. 

Hearing Protection

Whether you’re by yourself or with a group. With a little luck your ears will be ringing by the end of the day. Not with hearing protection. Your future hearing will thank you for it. 

Face Net/Camo

 With a bare face, your can can reflect like a mirror. Painting your face can be messy, if its what you have it’s better than nothing. My favorite is the Face Net. Stay hidden without the mess. 

Tree Pruners

Match the hatch. Having a pair of tree pruners are simple and might just complete your blind. No need to cut down a tree. A little coverage will do in most circumstances. 

Summer Camo

Hunting gear isn’t always the coolest. Florida duck hunting can get hot with waders and long sleeve shirts. Try to find the most summer friendly gear you can.


This probably goes without saying. More times than not you’ll be glad you have it with you.